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ES6 Tutorial: Template Literals And Tagged Templates
In this tutorial, we are going to learn a concept that is pretty easy in JavaScript but very useful, which is the template string. Before JavaScript ES6, we either indicate […]
6 Server-side Programming Languages To Pick Up In The New Decade
With the high in-demand job market today, web development tends to be lucrative. A lot of the developers today choose web-development as their starting point and thrive from it. Front-end […]
Double equals (==) vs. Triple equals (===) in JavaScript
JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, meaning that you don’t have to specify the type of variables when working with this language, the type of your variables can be changed later on […]
Lift Up Your Skills with 13 Simple Yet Powerful JavaScript Tricks
Just like many other languages, JavaScript has plenty of tips and tricks that let you accomplish either simple tasks or difficult tasks succinctly. There are a lot of tutorials about […]
ES6 Tutorial: A Complete Introduction to Arrow Functions in JavaScript
JavaScript ES6, or ECMAScript 2015, is actually the biggest update made to ECMAScript since the first edition was released in 1997. There are a number of features have been released […]
Comprehensively understanding the “this” keyword in JavaScript
The this keyword might be one of the most confusing and elusive parts in JavaScript because of its behavior in different contexts compared with other languages. In this article, we […]
Top 10 Handy JavaScript Array Methods You Should Know
An array in JavaScript is a data structure that helps you store multiple values at a time. Indeed when working with JavaScript you need to work with arrays quite often, […]
Getting Started to Learn JavaScript in 2020 With Top 5 Free Resources
If you just started out learning how to code this year, JavaScript is a great option to kick off your process. Because JavaScript is among the most popular and powerful […]
Understanding seven non-access modifiers in Java
In the first part, we have learned about access modifiers in Java, including public, protected, default and private. Indeed, we can see that there are four access modifiers in Java. […]
What the heck is OOP? Let me help you understand it! (with detailed Java code examples)
Have you ever heard about OOP? I dare you did. With your curiosity, perhaps you already visited Wikipedia and some other places to learn about this concept, but in the […]