Tag: java core

  • What is Java CLASSPATH?

    Classpath is a fundamental concept that has been oblivious to many of us, especially when working with modern IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA; we don’t have to worry much about classpaths […]

  • Why do you need to override equals and hashCode methods in Java?

    If you have used some data structures such as a hash map or a hash set for storing your custom object, you probably have to write your own implementation of […]

  • Iterable and Iterator in Java

    A lot of people feel confused about the Iterator and Iterable interfaces in Java, because they have very similar names and sometimes they work together which makes people hardly tell […]

  • Learn Java from Scratch: Variables and Data Types in Java (Comprehensive Guide)

    Variables in Java Programming Variable is a name (or identifier) that is associated with a value that can be changed such as age, name, address, etc… The name uniquely identifies […]

  • Learn Java from Scratch: Basic Syntax in Java Programming

    If you have some experiences with other programming languages before, such as JavaScript, Python, etc…If you look at some Java program and as you can see in the first lesson, […]

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