Search Results for: array data type sum up

  • Understanding Method References in Java

    Before Java 8, to provide an implementation for an interface, we need either to create a concrete class that implements this interface or, more concisely we can, use an anonymous […]

  • Quicksort algorithm – Lomuto partition scheme

    There are a multifarious number of sorting algorithms have been proposed and being used nowadays. Perhaps you’re already familiar with some sorting algorithms such as Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, or […]

  • A Guide To Functional Interfaces in Java

    A functional interface is an interface that contains exactly one abstract method. When talking about a functional interface, people often think about Java 8 because this concept originally emerged at […]

  • Serialization and Deserialization in Java through concrete examples

    In Java, the lifetime of all objects is limited at runtime, which means when you close a program and reopen it again, every object is reset to the initial state. […]

  • Understand Callback functions in JavaScript through examples

    In modern JavaScript development, the concepts of functional programming and asynchronous programming become more and more prevalent. When talking about those terms, we usually see something like “callback” or “higher-order […]

  • Understand Tree Traversal: Pre-order, In-order, and Post-order Traversal

    Many of you probably have familiar with arrays or linked-lists, we know that in those data structures, elements can be traversed linearly. But what about the binary tree? As we […]

  • Understanding seven non-access modifiers in Java

    In the first part, we have learned about access modifiers in Java, including public, protected, default and private. Indeed, we can see that there are four access modifiers in Java. […]

  • n-th Fibonacci Number: Recursion vs. Dynamic Programming

    In this article, we will learn the concepts of recursion and dynamic programming by the familiar example which is finding the n-th Fibonacci number. Also at the same time, we […]

  • Primitive vs. Reference Value in JavaScript – What is the difference?

    In some previous articles, we’ve gone through some programming concepts in JavaScript. We already know that JavaScript provides six primitive types as undefined, null, boolean, number, string, and symbol which […]

  • JavaScript ES6 Core Features Overview

    Several changes to JavaScript were introduced by ECMAScript 2015, also well-known as ES6. Here is a summary of a number of the foremost common options and syntactic variations, where applicable, […]

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