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A Definitive Guide To map(), filter(), and reduce() in JavaScript
The concept of functional programming becomes more and more prevalent in mainstream languages nowadays. Even Java has lambda expression and a lot of built-in functional techniques, so why not JavaScript, […]
ES6 Tutorial: Escape Callback Hell with Promises in JavaScript
Asynchronous programming allows the computer to move to other tasks while waiting for asynchronous operations to complete. By doing so, we don’t have to put everything to a halt because […]
Understand Callback functions in JavaScript through examples
In modern JavaScript development, the concepts of functional programming and asynchronous programming become more and more prevalent. When talking about those terms, we usually see something like “callback” or “higher-order […]
A Detailed Guide To Create A Simple Todo-list with plain JavaScript for Absolute Beginners
Building projects are a great way to learn and consolidate your knowledge, and usually, it’s better to learn by usage rather than memorization. This is the reason why I have […]
ES6 Tutorial: A Quick Introduction to Default Parameters in JavaScript
JavaScript ES6 comes and provides us a number of useful features, the default parameter is one of them. In this article, we will discover what default parameters are, how and […]
JavaScript Tips & Tricks: Go Beyond console.log()
If you use the browser as your debugging tool for your JavaScript code, then the console.log can be used intensively, whether you just want to see a message from a […]
Inside JVM, JRE, JDK And Their Relationship
There are several basic terms that often confuse beginners are JVM, JRE, and JDK. From the abbreviation, they look quite the same and it is quite hard to tell them […]
Understand Tree Traversal: Pre-order, In-order, and Post-order Traversal
Many of you probably have familiar with arrays or linked-lists, we know that in those data structures, elements can be traversed linearly. But what about the binary tree? As we […]
Binary Search Tree (BST) Concrete Implementation In Java
Binary Search Tree is a fundamental data structure that stores items in the memory. In this article, we will learn what is a binary search tree (BST for short) and […]
How to Submit A Pull Request to Someone Else’s Repository?
GitHub is the world-leading software platform that empowers developers to build software together. Sometimes, you might come across a project on GitHub and want to contribute. Typically, a repository on […]